Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10. Mrs. Dalloway: (pg 27)

10. Mrs. Dalloway: (pg 27) "For really, what with eating, drinking, and mating, the bad days and good, life had been no mere matter of roses, and what was more, let me tell you, Carrie Dempster had no wish to change her lot with any woman’s in Kentish Town!":
Kentish Town is north of London in the London Borough of Camden. At one point, Kentish town used to be a place where upper-class used to vacation. When buses and steam trains began to change public transportation, the area became more accessible. Because of its location and accessibility, Kentish Town developed into a middle and lower class neighborhood. This neighborhood is a stark contrast to Clarissa’s neighborhood. Woolf’s writing highlights the different living standards between the rich and the poor, and although they part of the same story, this action separates Clarissa’s life from Septimus Warren Smith’s life.

“borough.” Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 28 Sep. 2009.

“Kentish Town.” 2008. 28 September 2009.

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