Friday, April 30, 2010

Handmaid's Tale (pg. 221)

13. “And Adam was not deceived, but the women being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved by childbearing.” (Page 221):

Atwood makes many religious references through her novel. This quote is part of what rulers of Gilead use to support the Republic of Gilead and its rituals. Women are not allowed to read. This is sort of a blind faith to the listeners since they do not get to see it or read anything other than what is read to them. In the past, the bible was only printed in Latin; old Catholic preists took advantage of bible because people did not know what the text really said- only what was told to them. The Republic of Gilead does this once again; only the Commander is allowed to read passages of the bible to listeners before rituals; only Aunt Lydia is allowed to read commandments before executions. Furthermore, this restriction mirrors the media that is broadcasted to viewers in the Republic of Gilead. Viewers only get to see what the leaders want them to see. This ties back to Atwood’s theme of control throughout the novel.

“Tudors – Protestant or Catholic.” History on the Net Main Page. Web. 25 April 2010.

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